Genre: The Blog
The interior design blog where you can find quick tips, inspiration, and design stories mixed with good vibe music!
Bea Bea Art Studio: Neutral Shades of Bold
I have the lovely Beata Pekalska to thank for opening my mind to a whole new interior design world using neutral art while remaining loyal to my bold interior design style my clients have come to expect.
The Moody Blues: A Personal Connection
In true blue, rock ‘n’ roll fashion, I’m scrambling to preserve the memories of music I followed my entire life, dating as far back as the ‘60s.
Gen X: Life By Design
I share my vast knowledge of the 1980s, and I do that alongside my homegirl, Jen!
Leopard and the Little Rebel
What grabbed my attention about my first guest is this: she has two major (and I mean MAJOR) obsessions – leopard print and David Bowie!
Season One Finale: Out With a Bang
Season one of Deep Track Designs is going out with a BANG…literally!
It’s a Farmhouse Blitz
When it comes down to Farmhouse designs, I often find myself gravitating towards three particular styles.
Paws For Design
There are simply not enough words or photographs to portray the extraordinary personalities and stories of these three Lucky Dogs and their Moms!
An Eclectic Approach to Music, Design, and Life
I live my life like an experiment…you gotta try new things!
Small Spaces: What's Up My Sleeve
I’m pulling out small space tricks from my sleeve one-by-one.
Boldometer: Exploring Your Decorator Bold
It’s pure and simple – I want to make sure all my Deep Track Designs listeners understand this about decorating their homes: Yeah, baby, you got it!
Savage Gardens: Dining Rooms Unimagined
Take my hand and I’ll bring you on a wild botanical journey through dining rooms unimagined.
De Dos and De Don'ts
I’m pinning on my Design Police badge to drive home a few basic interior design dos and don'ts!
Interior Design: A Bird's-eye View
Close your eyes and picture yourself flying like an eagle over every room in the house.
Leather and Lace: Design Compromise for Couples
My main goal is to help couples avoid having a meltdown with my newly remastered version of Leather and Lace, design compromise for couples.
The Birth of Smoothyblues: Then and Now
The official Smoothyblues Online Interiors hang out for grabbing a healthy blend of design tips, music talk, and laughter.
Cultivating New Mother Nature into a Design
Whether we're talking plants, animals or people, they all serve as stewards to my New Mother Nature designs-new ideas for translating nature into your every day surroundings.
Let It Blossom and Let it Go
It’s simply a dream to interpret nature’s spring/summer color palettes into my country living designs.
Winter Trifecta: One Room and Three Cozy Designs
Yes, it’s true…I love infusing color into many of my designs, but I also love designing with a neutral palette for a couple of reasons.
Janis Lyn Joplin: A Surprising Connection to Interior Design
There is no question, if I could interview one music legend for my GENRE blog, Janis would be at the top of my list!
Black and White Lake House Bedroom
It’s summer and it’s time to take full advantage of all the good weather!
QUIZ: Discover Your Personal Bold
You’ve come a long way, baby—and you are no shrinking violet!
Curious to know how the “New You” can be expressed through your home decor?
Take the Boldometer Quiz and discover your new level of BOLD!